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Permanent Makeup Removal in Alexandria, VA

A modern and highly effective method of removing permanent cosmetics.

Permanent makeup removal in Rockville, MD

Truly Exceptional Results

Laser is the first choice for permanent makeup removal. The purpose of this laser is specifically to help with pigmentation.
The laser ray selects the color, heats it, and then disintegrates it into very small parts. These tiny pigment particles are small enough to be absorbed by the cells (phagocytes) and removed through the lymphatic system


The process of permanent makeup removal with a laser is simple, quick and takes only a few days of recovery.

A numbing cream is used on the area to reduce discomfort and the full process usually takes less than an hour. Patients might notice slight redness over the treated areas but this will fade in a few hours.

Laser treatment is very gentle and almost painless. The surrounding tissue stays unaffected and is not injured. However, laser removal of cosmetic tattoos can be dangerous if not performed by a trained practitioner.

• Immediately after your first laser permanent makeup removal, you may experience pinpoint bleeding and mild to moderate swelling. This should subside within 24 hours and complete recovery will take about two weeks. However, it is very important to rest your skin for a month or two before your next appointment. This is to avoid the risk of permanent damage to the skin.

Several laser sessions are needed to remove permanent cosmetic completely. The exact number of sessions required to completely remove the permanent makeup depends on the color, kind, and depth of the permanent cosmetic and on the responsiveness of the body’s immune system to remove the color particles.

Permanent Eyeliner: Services
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